Epiphony, where two bubbles collide. 

         A festival experience where two can explore the symphony of their interpersonal dynamic.

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Epiphony on Into the great wide open


This experience deals with the interpersonal space between two individuals, where mutual emotional being is measured with heart rate and electro dermal activity: the higher the arousal, the more the skin conductance increases, as well as heart rate.

Sound is the foremost feedback of this biological interaction: by backcasting the internal process of the two being ‘alone together’, it exposes this unique private experience. ‘The only way to unravel the mystery of the other is by listening.’

This installation was exhibited at Into The Great Wide Open Festival and developed by Alida Glasbeek, Görkem Arıkan and Francesco Di Maggio.


 Do you feel the tension? 

The tension between  autonomy and the attention economy. 


Exploring the notion of tension, this installation translates the tension forced by modern communication platforms. By inviting social media into our daily lives, our gaze is slowly becoming a commodity. Bearing this in mind one can only wonder: what long term effect will these algorithms trained to hold our attantion have on our autonomy?

In this installation, the un-tangible but pressing effect is expressed through the shifting of sound. It is controlled within the theatre, merely by the performers eyes. Her gaze controls the expression through an self built eye-tracking system, connected to the spatial sound system.

This theatre experience was developed for:

in Zaal3, The Hague. 


 If we were to learn from our elders, what will we nurture? 

         In ‘Twenty years later’ Alida Glasbeek (1994) investigates the coming of age of her older generations (1930, 1949, 1971).
The historical relation of our elders time with the present is fundamental. It deeply influences how passed and new events will leave their mark, and how we will set course for the future.


This installation tells the stories of 4 generations. Painfully personal and sometimes relatable; each one of them tells about what marked them most in their coming of age. The stories accompanied by found historical sound and video footage, personal pictures and voices are woven together in their 3D scanned bodies. As animated monuments of time they are portrayed in a life-sized projection. The viewer can discover the images in the details of their bodies and find the connections referred to in their narratives. With every revisition comes to light that all generation’s excerpts bear a lesson for the future and their experiences will be passed on, one way or another. 

Shown at: EXPOSURE - “Become a wanderer” in Utrecht


 ‘Computer generated dreams’ An algorithmic dreamscape of the collective conciousness. 

         ‘Content of collective memory’ is a visual investigation into the parallels of daily processing of large image-bulks; immobile behind our screens or through our dreams. 
What will we remember when it ends?


When we are challenged, the advice to ‘sleep on it’ has proved itself usefull. In disruptive and challenging times like these the massive information load can be paralyzing, especially in our (virtual) isolations. Would a dream like approach help us to clear things out?

For this work multiple times daily, images are scraped, scattered, complimented, pulled apart, put together and repeated in a cycle by a self built algoritm that matches the REM sleep cycle. What impression do you think will remain when this crisis ends?

Part of online graduation; a lcd display matrix, automated image processing agorithm and disruptive application.  

Shown at:
KABK Graduation show, online